NZALA supports effort to raise welfare standards for pigs

The New Zealand Animal Law Association (NZALA) today signed this petition requesting that “the House of Representatives urges the Government to apply the same animal welfare standards to imported pork as is required by New Zealand pork producers.”

NZALA is calling on its members and supporters to also sign and share the petition.

NZALA’s support for this petition, also supported by industry body NZ Pork, is based on the need to ensure that raising New Zealand animal welfare standards is not offset by an increase in imports of pig products from countries with lesser or non-existent standards.

This is particularly important following the victory of NZALA and SAFE in the High Court, in which the failure to phase out farrowing crates was found to be illegal. 

The Government has since committed to phasing out farrowing crates and mating stalls from New Zealand pig farms by 2025.  However, there is a concern that this could lead to more pig products being brought from countries where these practices, and others which allow for cheaper pig farming with worse welfare outcomes, are still allowed.

NZALA’s president Saar Cohen said “as long as pig farming continues, it is important that any pig products imported into New Zealand are required to have been produced in accordance with New Zealand’s minimum animal standards.”

“Otherwise, the well-overdue decision to phase out farrowing crates and mating stalls will not actually prevent products produced using these cruel practices from entering the New Zealand market.”

The petition to apply equal animal standards to imported pork closes on 30 July 2021 – NZALA urges anyone willing to sign or share it to do so today.

– Link to the High Court judgment.


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